Some time ago I wrote about 10 reasons why your company should blog.

In this research from, they asked Chief Marketing Officers of US Fortune 1000 companies why they thought they should blog.

These were their answers:

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Difference between blog and websiteI’m often asked what the difference is between a blog and a website. For many people active in online marketing, the difference between a website and a blog might seem obvious.

But nowadays, everyone – from PRs and communicators to business leaders and customer service managers – should have a clear understanding of the difference.

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Social Media & SEOSocial Media & SEO: In the last month or so I have published quite a few posts on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). I talked about the importance of Basic SEO Knowledge, the chances Google offers you as a marketer, Self SEO Diagnostics and Developing a Keyword Strategy.

But this blog is about marketing on the social web. So, what’s with all the SEO?

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You may have been an early adopter of social media. But is it getting you real business results? Here’s a quick overview of where, in my experience, the market is at, and where you need to focus for effective social media marketing.

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Hello, and thanks for visiting my blog!

About 18 months ago my partner Steve Seager and I started our business, we do communications. We help businesses sell their ideas, products and services on the social web.

Selling stuff in traditional media is one thing. But to do this on the social web is another. It takes a radically different view on things. You need to get out of the mass marketing headset and start thinking targeted.

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