Culture leadership social media marketingAt the bottom of this post you will find a nice little video with a collection of infographics made by Mark Smiciklas. He makes cool stuff. So check out his Intersection marketing blog for more.

In the vid below he gives 19 examples of ‘Social media best practices’. My favourite image is #4 at 50 seconds.

This will give you a really good insight into where you need to focus as an organisation.

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Reasons to blog

As you know, our mission in life is to turn organisations and people into publishers of valuable, optimised, content to help them reach their marketing, pr and communications goals on the social web.

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Listening to online conversation in social mediaA very simple (and free!) way to get social media buy-in from your organisation is to show them that conversations are already happening about your brand or product.

If you can show that, then your organisation then has two choices:

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A selection of case studies that all mention clear results…

Everyone likes a good social media case study: marketers or communications people trying to get internal buy-in or business leaders looking for ideas, entry points or examples of where the industry is. But they can be hard to come by.

It’s even harder to find case studies that mention clear and tangible results. Over time I’ve managed to find quite a few of those, so I thought it was now time to share them with you.

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Last week, we do communications’ PR & Strategy director Steve Seager gave a presentation the Dutch Architecture PR Group in Rotterdam.

His biggest insight from this great meeting was that PR and Comms people in Architecture are essentially no different from those in B2B PR and marketing. They all face the similar challenges when getting started.

Since many of our clients are also in B2B services, I thought his post was useful to share here as well.

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Creating buy-in through education…

Last month Ad Week reported on the departure of Dell’s Social Media Chief Bob Pearson. He left the company to take a position with the Blog Council, an industry group focused on social media.

In the article he says: “The biggest challenge is what I call the antibodies. Every organization has them, and the larger ones have more. These are the people still trying to do things like they’ve done the last 10 or 20 years. They tend not to say no but not to say yes. They have lots of ways to stop progress with a smile.”

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