SEO tactics for WordPressThis morning I was having a cup of coffee with a marketing strategist who had just started a WordPress website and blog. His site looked great. But it wasn’t optimised for search engines in the slightest.

This happens a lot, because many business people think SEO is scary and difficult. But it ain’t. In my view it’s actually a core business skill. Also, basic SEO for WordPress is not too difficult to implement.

Here are 5 quick SEO wins you can implement today through your WordPress CMS:

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The titles of your blog posts are of great importance to draw people into your story. Your title either needs to be catchy, provocative, funny, promising or in other ways grab people’s attention and draw them into your blog post.

But you also want people to actually find your blog posts when they are searching in Google. For this you need to include the keywords you want to be found on in the title of your blog posts.

So, how do you write blog post titles that are both catchy for humans and attractive for search engines?

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SEO for PDFs How to optimise a PDFOn the social web, one of your first priorities is to get found. This goes for your website, your blog, your social media channels, your blog posts and – also for the PDFs you publish!

Why optimise?

When you publish PDFs, they can get indexed by search engines – just like a normal webpage. But if you don’t optimise them properly they will not rank very high in search results. Even worse; they might not get indexed and found at all!

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In my last posts, I talked about The ABC of Search Engine Optimisation and the three most important SEO Tags.

Getting links costs time. That’s why it’s called ‘Link Building’. More on that later. Keywords and Tags however, is something you control yourself. You can start getting them right as of today!

So where do you start?

I think it is the easiest to start with doing some self-SEO-diagnostics for your own website. Is it optimized for search engines?

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In my last blog post I highlighted the three most important elements that determine your website’s organic visibility in search engines. They are: Links, Keywords and Tags.

I will be covering Link Building and choosing the right Keywords later.

SEO Tags are an important tool for optimizing your website. These three SEO Tags are the most important:

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