SEO tactics for WordPressThis morning I was having a cup of coffee with a marketing strategist who had just started a WordPress website and blog. His site looked great. But it wasn’t optimised for search engines in the slightest.

This happens a lot, because many business people think SEO is scary and difficult. But it ain’t. In my view it’s actually a core business skill. Also, basic SEO for WordPress is not too difficult to implement.

Here are 5 quick SEO wins you can implement today through your WordPress CMS:

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The titles of your blog posts are of great importance to draw people into your story. Your title either needs to be catchy, provocative, funny, promising or in other ways grab people’s attention and draw them into your blog post.

But you also want people to actually find your blog posts when they are searching in Google. For this you need to include the keywords you want to be found on in the title of your blog posts.

So, how do you write blog post titles that are both catchy for humans and attractive for search engines?

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When you start a blog for your business or organisation, it can be hard to choose the right blogging platform because there is so much choice.

And a lot of these platforms are free too! Here’s a list of 23 free blogging plaforms + another 10 to top it off.

So, now what?

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When I came in to our office (see picture) this morning, I filcked open my laptop and noticed that my last post got quite a few tweets and a good bit of traffic as well.

Step into my office a post about Blogging and Numbers

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How to become visible on the social webI ran into a helpful little website called ‘We Are Visible’. It offers a couple of really easy to follow video tutorials, that help you set up a Gmail account, a Twitter account, a Facebook page and a WordPress blog even.

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