SEO for PDFs How to optimise a PDFOn the social web, one of your first priorities is to get found. This goes for your website, your blog, your social media channels, your blog posts and – also for the PDFs you publish!

Why optimise?

When you publish PDFs, they can get indexed by search engines – just like a normal webpage. But if you don’t optimise them properly they will not rank very high in search results. Even worse; they might not get indexed and found at all!

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Last week, we do communications’ PR & Strategy director Steve Seager gave a presentation the Dutch Architecture PR Group in Rotterdam.

His biggest insight from this great meeting was that PR and Comms people in Architecture are essentially no different from those in B2B PR and marketing. They all face the similar challenges when getting started.

Since many of our clients are also in B2B services, I thought his post was useful to share here as well.

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