Last week, I discussed the joys of backlinks. Getting a link from another website, helps your website to be found. It also helps your website (or page) to rank higher in organic search engine results.

Sometimes we can even create backlinks ourselves. For instance by including a link to our profile pages on Linkedin, Facebook, YouTube or other social media channels. You would think that a backlink from these big boys would help your website to rank higher in search engines… Wrong :-(. So why is that?

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Currently I am preparing to publish a series of posts that teach marketers how to develop a Keyword Strategy. A Keyword Strategy is crucial if you want to drive quality traffic to your website.

Before that however, I will first publish some posts on basis SEO knowledge. Today: the importance of ‘incoming links’ aka ‘backlinks’ to your websites findability.

Links to your website is a major factor in getting great organic search engine results.

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SEO Roadworks signNext week I will start publishing a series of posts on SEO. About what you need to know as a marketer. Followed by a series that helps you develop a Keyword Strategy.

But as a marketer you might be wondering what SEO has to do with you.

Isn’t SEO done by the IT department?

Well, yes and no. Yes, because your website needs to be technically optimised for search engines. That means ensuring your website is in compliance with the protocols and guidelines as set by World Wide Web Consortium (w3c).

But there’s more to optimising your website than just technical protocol.

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A successful case study on ‘Crisis Management’ SEO…

My last blog post talking about the benefits of an independent blogging platform and url as opposed to putting your blog on the root corporate web domain. My advice was catered towards small business blogs with a desire to establish thought leadership, build links, gain advocates and encourage conversations.

As a matter of habit I always submit my blog posts to the News and Discussion sections in relevant Linkedin Groups. The topic kicked off a lively debate between PR professionals with many valuable contributions. One of the contributors, Jonathan Bernstein – President at Bernstein Crisis Management Inc – brought some deeper and very practical insights to the table.

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The benefits of an independent blogging platform…

OK, you decided to start a blog for the benefit of your business. While you are developing your blogging strategy you will hopefully stop and think for a moment about where to host the blog.

I sometimes have the feeling that many companies automatically place their blog on the domain of their own corporate website. But is this the right choice?

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