A good part of my work involves helping my clients publish content, such as presentations, pdfs, videos, and so on, in social media channels.

In the process I often encounter messy tactical issues that need solving. To help you become a better marketer on the social web, I’ve made it a habit to share the solutions with you.

Here’s one:

I was embedding a SlideShare presentation into an article on a social media newsroom. As a default, SlideShare includes additional information – such as title and author – in the embedding code. Makes my newsroom look messy and ugly. Me no like.

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Seven + 1 ways to start promoting your blog…

Try typing “Promote your blog” into Google. Wow! Lots of interesting stuff.

Interesting: yes. But also: lots. So, where do you begin? Where do you start promoting your blog?

Here’s my little ritual to shamelessly promote my blog:


UPDATE: Check out this updated post “Shameless Blog Promotion 2013


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Getting started in social media…

In an interview with PR Week, John Bell, from Ogilvy’s 360 Digital Influence, notes that more and more clients are asking for pilot programs rather than ‘full scale’ marketing campaigns.

So, is a pilot program a good thing? It’s a valid question. I’m often being asked this as well.

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