Below you’ll find a presentation by Dan Zarrella. The presentation contains data drawn from ‘The Science of ReTweet Report’ in which Dan analyzes the when, why and how Twitter users ReTweet. You can download the full report here.

So what is important? How do you get your content shared via Twitter? How do you get ReTweeted?

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Bitly browser tool publish on Twitter frequentlyWhen you are actively marketing in social media by sharing valuable content, speed is often of the essence. You want to be able to share easily, simply, and quickly.

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So, you’ve got yourself a Twitter account, you have figured out what you need to be Tweeting about and you are doing it. Everything feels good.

But as a marketer you want something more tangible than just a feeling. What about clickthrough? If you know the number of clicks that each of your Tweets generates, you can figure out what your people really value – and do more of it!

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